About Us
Brief overview of company's development
SAWIUS s.r.o. was formed in 2012, carrying on with the heritage of a firm with a big past at which more decennial experiences are and his traditions. The firm’s capital activity is the production of plastic products, furthermore general metal shaping – form production, import and exports activity.
The firm’s production program plastic – PS, OPS, PVC, PET, PLA, PP, BIO – is aimed at the production of wrappers and his development.
The production happens on the thermo machines Canadian G.N. Plastics Company Ltd and ILLIG. The firm’s business administration and his production expand gradually during the time, our product range widens, our connections’ range expands continuously.
Renovated production hall and storage premises, meeting the strictest international hygiene, quality and safety standards, as required by the food industry and essential to our customers. Our production capacity are gradually widening with the growth of inquiry and with the closed contracts.
At our product range can be found sweet deposits, biscuit trays, lettuce jars, confectionary industry and all kinds of plastic packaging which can be hit on the other area of a life, boxes which can be locked with a roof and blisters. Our interesting product line the 2 ml 50 ml spreading plastic phials.
The seat of the production can be found between Komárom and Gyalla (Hurbanovo) lying Zöldállás (Zelený Háj).